I went to "Seedy Saturday" on the weekend, and scored these strawberry plants and a great selection of seeds. Seedy Saturday events come from an idea germinated by Seeds of Diversity. They are spring events that take place in cities and towns all over the world bringing people together to swap and buy seeds and gardening supplies, network with other gardening enthusiasts, and participate in workshops and demonstration.
5 dormant strawberry plants in a plastic bag for $6.00. I call that a deal! With a little green thumb and time, I could be swimming in strawberries come July. I have never grown strawberries before. Well that's a lie, I did try to start them from seeds last year. Do you know how small strawberry seeds are? You end up fishing them out of your teeth after you eat a strawberry? Well they sprout into green leaves that are not much bigger. Needless to say they didn't survive very long.
This is my food plan. Growing my own. I am at a point in my life where I question the prices of vegetables on the shelf, I question their nutrient value and I question the future of the food industry, to a point where I want to be self sufficient. When I see gardeners I envy them, I want to be like them, so I am starting here. Last year I had a community garden plot. This year I have deck and space in a friends garden. By the time I have my own yard, I am going to be well on my way to growing my own food supply.
I like the idea of only going to the grocery store once or twice a month. Living on my own sprouts, and a pantry filled with dry goods. I guess its my country roots digging their heels in. But its simple, I will not submit to higher produce prices just because gas prices went up. Seeds, soil, sun and water still cost the same.
Invest your time in your health. If you can't grow your own food, at least try to skip the middle man and buy your produce from road side farm stands and local markets. Go for a drive to the Niagara region and tour the fruit belt. Southern Ontario is an amazing climate for growing food!
I like all the info, I think I will try strawberries too, from one of those hanging bags you can pick up at any hardware store. I will hang them from a sheppard hook in a nice sunny location. Sheppards hook not just for handing flowers. Thanks for the idea.